My Portfolio
Welcome to my portfolio. Here you’ll find a selection of my work. Explore my projects to learn more about what I do.
Welcome to the A/V section of 9 to 5! At the top, there are six themed photo collections to inspire and educate you! There are pictures from the movement itself, giving an image to the clerical workers fighting for their rights, examples of the documents and posters they used, and previous production images. Additionally, I have included images reminiscent of 70s/80s office spaces and materials to detail the setting and environment, as well as art that inspires/reminds me of the vision for this show. Below those collections and above this, you will find my playlist for 9 to 5, full of songs in touch with a working spirit and feminist perspectives. Additionally, I chose to showcase the music video for Dolly Parton's 9 to 5, as well as the trailer for the movie (a must-watch!) I also included a beautiful documentary on the 9to5 movement, "9to5: The Story of a Movement", and a real news story from Canada at the time, focusing specifically on the issues of secretaries asked to complete personal tasks, both union and non-union. I also showcased an episode of Private Secretary, a 1950s sitcom that offered the first women clerical worker on-screen reputation ever, before 9to5. While it is comedic and romanticized, the show still references the issues that went on to inspire the women of 9to5 to create change. To the left, I have two books that may not be A/V, but are wonderful resources, including Working 9to5 by 9to5 co-founder Ellen Cassedy, a reflection on the movement and activism, and The Working Woman's Guide to Office Survival by both founders, Ellen Cassedy and Karen Nussbaum, an active resource for clerical workers to navigate the disparities and harassment they faced. Below I have included resources specific to this production, including several inspirations for characters/moments. The fantasy sequences call for research into the mannerisms of a classic princess like Snow White or Enchanted, film noir detectives like in The Big Sleep, and Annie Oakley, of course. The last clip is provided due to the fact that he reminds me enormously of one 9 to 5 character: Judy's ex-husband, Dick.